“I feel like I’m at the bottom of a well with no way of getting out. I can’t even see the sunlight, if there is any at the top of this well.”

This analogy came from a woman who was feeling overwhelmed and stressed with challenges in her career and personal life. There were just too many things she was tolerating and she felt “stuck”.  To rid and manage her frustration, she reached out to me to help make sense of what she was experiencing and make some real changes to move out of this negative space.

May 18th-24th is International Coaching Week which is a global celebration of the coaching profession intended to educate and increase the understanding as well as the impact of coaching.

In general, coaching can help you move forward when you are feeling frustrated or “stuck” with certain areas in your life.   A coach can also help you find your “happy”, gain peace of mind and fulfill passions that you have long been putting off.   There are times you can get through a challenge on your own, which is great and there are times when you are tired of being tired, requiring more support to get pulled out of the “quick sand” in your life. This is where a coach can help.

Four benefits of coaching:

1. You get unstuckSometimes, you have major decisions to make in your life such as, should I change careers or just stay where I am? Should I stay in this relationship that’s going nowhere or move on? Do I go after that big dream or dismiss it? With the many swirling voices in your head it is easy to get confused and wonder what direction to go in. A coach will help you dig deep through all of those thoughts to see which ones are holding you back and unearth those that are your truest feelings. A life coach will help you get clarity and move all the mental clutter out the way.

2.  Find ways to face and overcome fears: Having fears is a    natural part of life, we’ve all been there and some of us are facing something right now.   Some of these fears are fear of failure, afraid of being alone, afraid of what people will think of you, afraid of starting over again or afraid of change.   A coach will help you get to the core of what those fears are, figure out how to change your thought process in managing them and work with you to take action despite having those fears. Fears are a normal part of life, it’s when they hinder you from living a life you truly desire is when they have to go. You will learn about having courage and gain new tools to use whenever those feelings arise again.

3. You are more balanced: It’s can be a crazy life when you have too many irons in the fire or juggling so many balls that you begin dropping them everywhere. The concern about being out of balance is those things that are truly important to you begins to suffer, such as relationship, marriage, parenting, or career.   One of the things a life coach will do is help you   figure out what are your core values, meaning what is most important to you and what are your priorities. Your values are the compass for your life. When you stray too far away, your mind, body and spirit has a way of letting you know. Once you become clear on what are those values, you will then figure out the best way to honor them.

4. You are genuinely happy:If you are feeling or have felt like you are about to lose your mind, there are definitely some things that need to change around you and within you. A life coach will help you work through what you feel is causing your unhappiness (but you may find out it’s something else). The coach will also help you clarify what are your options and explore and strategize how to get there.   As I stated before, once you are clear on your core values everything else tends to fall into place and you can live a life more fulfilled.

Sometimes when we are in the midst of our problems it’s so difficult to hear and see the answers, because of our paralyzing fears and anxieties. A coach will illuminate your blind spots to help you see another perspective in resolving those issues. Once you’re READY to do the work you will begin to see positive changes while getting closer to where you desire to be.

COMPLIMENTARY OFFER AVAILABLE: Because I love helping women find their happy and live more boldly, I am offering a month of complimentary coaching sessions tothreewomen interested in taking their lives to the next level.   If you are ready and committed, fill out the information below by June 1st, and I will be in touch shortly to speak with you further.  Also check out my contact page on the blog which provides more information about my services. As always, please share this post with others and do not hesitate to comment below or inbox me with your feedback.

Until next time…..Greatness Awaits


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