
It’s a new day, new beginning, new chance to try again!
What ever happened yesterday, leave it there. With everyday we have new grace and new mercies, so let’s boldly embrace it!

One of the things I’m excited about seeing people do right within our Bold Living community, is taking time to support others in their endeavors, starting new careers, going back to school, starting their nonprofits, finding love and overall refocusing their attention on things that truly matter to them.  In this one life of ours, it’s truly important to revel in the present.

This week I want you to focus on this one thing (below) and to be intentional about it:

Speak Over Yourself!
This journey is full of some great highs and some tough lows, but through it all, we’re evolving into who we need to be. Every challenge presents an opportunity to grow into the person you need to become for the next relationship, career move, business opportunity and to show up more powerfully in life. Period.

During disappointing times, it’s tempting to lose the drive and focus you had in the beginning of your journey, but it’s key to remember why you started – why you chose to start a new career path, why you chose to start taking better care of yourself, why you chose to go back to school, why you let go of the negative person (or people) in your life.   Once you get into that space of remembering the reasons for the actions you’re taking now, it will re-energize you to keep going.

Here’s a quick assignment to do this week:   When you speak life over yourself, using the words “I am” is powerful. This shows you are the co-creator of your life.  If you believe God dwells in you, then you have the power to speak this with certainty. Start by writing down statements/affirmations beginning with “I am”. Here are a few examples

1.  I AM worthy of living my best life
2. I AM.taking consistent actions towards my big goals
3. I AM a money magnet:)
4. I AM an amazing expression of God

Make a list of five statements/affirmations and remind yourself about them throughout the week.

Feel free to reach out to me and let me know how these “I am” statements are supporting you and also share this newsletter with one person who could benefit from encouragement this week Onward ladies!

If you’re in need help with defining success on your terms, feel free to schedule a session here: https://schedulewithraphaela.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?appointmentType=3568050