So, with the last installment to our Comfort Zone series let’s talk about doubt.

When you’re contemplating going forward in some area of life or embarking on some sort of change, there are the initial butterflies that take over the pit of your stomach.  Then all of a sudden the questions and “reminders” begin to flood your mind like “Can I really do this?”,“What if people talk about me?”“What if I’m not right about this?” “What. If. This. Doesn’t. Work?”

Doubt sure has a way of presenting questions to make you start second guessing yourself and all of your decisions.

It camouflages itself as being realistic or presenting the logistics, which are reasons that people tend to give it more attention and never make a move.  When you are choosing to do something that you have never done before, all of those hidden feelings inside rises to the surface, causing you to spend more time on managing the hail of questions from doubt then taking steps toward action.

Know that the voice of fear and doubt will always make a strong case for the “what ifs.”Your job is to remember to pause, get still and connect to your main source of peace before moving forward.

Doubt is inevitable in life and will continue to do its job of making you go in circles during your thinking process. In order to not ride the wave, check out my short video that will help you get focused and keeping your head in the game as you move out of your comfort zone

I love getting your emails and comments, so feel free to keep them coming!   Leave a comment here or send me an email at info@raphaelabrowne.comAlso, pass this along to encourage anyone  you know who is battling the “What Ifs”.

As always……Greatness Awaits!