Are You Waiting To Be Rescued?

Are You Waiting To Be Rescued?

“I’ve been waiting so long for things to change, that I find myself going in circles with nothing ever changing.  I’m still where I don’t want to be -I’m at a job I don’t like, I’m not married yet and I just don’t have a real life.  I know once I have those...
Don’t Let Overthinking Stop You From Moving Forward

Don’t Let Overthinking Stop You From Moving Forward

So, ladies I must confess ……. I’m guilty of overthinking things in my life and business.  Yes, even though I am a coach,  and help women with their mindset and moving past fears, I still sometimes struggle in this area, myself. Sometimes, I replay things...
Are You Ready to Do The Work?

Are You Ready to Do The Work?

Hello, Hello! I know you truly want to have a career and a life that you sincerely find joy in from the inside out. We all desire to have happiness, have fun and do the things we tend to talk about more than we put into action…..and all of it’s possible. ...
Sometimes Old Habits Die Hard…..

Sometimes Old Habits Die Hard…..

“I’m a little anxious about how they’ll react, you know I’ve always given into their requests” she explained to me about a difficult conversation she needed to have with someone in her family.  You see several months ago, she struggled with saying “No” ...
It’s Time to Surrender

It’s Time to Surrender

How has the first few weeks into January been for you?  I’ve been taking time to gear up for this year and looking forward to everything to come.  I hope these first few weeks of  2017 have been full of new ways of thinking, new opportunities and new energy.  But, if...